Saturday, March 26, 2011


Pain, please go away.
Rain, please take the shattered dreams away.

God healed my pulled hamstring. God, you are great. You showed me the way, you showed me what I should do.

Please take all the lies away. I don't need more lies. I don't need more tears.

I need peace. I need to keep my head high as the days are going to be tough. I need to be strong. I need to find my happy place.

I wish that it never happened. I wish that you were kinder to me. I wish you really did love me but you did not.

You lost me.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Sometimes all a person needs is some kind of closure. I got mine today.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

I wish I had the answer

to everything..

Saturday, March 20, 2010


My last post was back in 2009.

Fast forward, it's been 3 months we bade farewell to 2009. 2009 been a pretty rough year for me but it's also a sweet sweet year filled with memories only left to be cherished for the years to come. There are things I'm going to miss and there's that someone I'm going to remember.

After two years working with my current company, I've finally moved on. I found a new job and starting on the 5th of April. Exciting! Will be working with one of my ex co-workers again, haaa, as weird as it sounds, sometimes life brings you the unexpected.
Twisted fate.

Talking about fate, last night after work, I decided to head out to IKEA to get a new wardrobe to help with organizing and oddly enough, I saw my old boss driving on Bay Bridge. The night before, I actually saw him in Mountain View too. Twisted fate again.
Maybe he should stop stalking me. :D

This weekend is going to be quite amazing. One of my friends is leaving US for good, heading back to Taiwan. So there's going to be drinking (of course) and plenty of food on the table again. Next month, new job, big conference in SF, so it's going to be a short month. One of my friends is heading to the bay area from LA, so again, lots of food + drinking. Haha..

Till next time...signing out

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas 2009

I do not miss 2009. Goodbye.

Welcome 2010!!! Bring me some luck please.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009


Awesomeness! It's December already!

Jebus, been trying to pull myself together for the past couple months. It's just crazy when all you do everyday is to worry of the stuff at work..nothing more...i'm kind of leaving a lifeless life right's so hard to breathe sometimes..i'm dying for a vacation, a real vacation.

My only outlet now is going to the gym, trying to tone up and better myself. Well blame it on genetics. My face gets round pretty fast. ughh...

Time to hit the gym again. I've been looking through the posts for the past couple years and am amazed at how things have changed. I do look older now but it's been wonderful couple years, at least.

Take care everyone! I'll try to upload pictures soon. :)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Amy has no ❤

All out of ❤.

I'm exhausted.